Costa Rica 2010-2011

Saturday, November 6, 2010

A New Era Begins....

      I'd been toying with the idea of creating a facebook page or a blog to make it easier for people to keep up with what is happening here in Costa Rica. No time like the present, I suppose! My faithful assistant and eternal friend, Meg Zuercher, and I have been soldiering away on this research project for the past 5 months (down to the exact date in fact). We just came through a tropical storm that claimed many lives in mudslides in the central valley. Luckily, we were not nearly as affected here in Guanacaste. In fact *fingers crossed* it feels like the dry season has finally begun! Today the sun is shining, the sky is crystal clear blue, and a gentle ambient breeze is blowing.
       Meg and I started this project with two other indentured servants, Catherine and Peter, in addition to another PhD student and good friend, Mackenzie, along with her assistants. They have all long since left us to our own devices, and for the past two months we have roughed it alone. That is to say, with the exception of a gentle fellow monkey researcher, Elvin, who moved in to our digs shortly after the great exodus of foreign workers. Elvin is a thoughtful Tico, who helps us practice speaking Spanish and frequently annihilates us at cards. We had just gotten used to our own little family and settled into a routine with the three monkey groups. Yesterday, we were blessed with the arrival of another short-term assistant Charles. A full grown man complete with masters degrees and lots of world experience, Charles wanted some hands on time working in the field with New World monkeys. We hope not to frighten him off too quickly. He is eager to learn and doesn't appear to be offended by my sailor-mouth. Meg and Charles are diligently processing monkey poop for the extraction of hormones, an integral part of my overall project. I should be working on grants, a never-ending cycle of frustration, toil, and hope, that has to this date, been fruitless and fraught with constant rejection. My skin continues to thicken.
     In that spirit, I feel it is now time to get back to work! This is only the beginning and we've got until August 2011 to go. I'll be sure to post pictures and give frequent updates to anyone who feels like reading about it. I just read an article about narcissism and facebook posts, so I will endeavor to keep the self-promotion at a minimum. I hope this allows aspiring monkey researchers or adventurous travelers to live vicariously, and perhaps inspires someone to embark on a sojourn of their own. Until next time!

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